Portable farm solar dryer designed by the Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana Centre
- Get 70% higher price than open sun dried product. You can recover the cost of the machine in about 60 days.
- Up to 100% more efficiency than cabinet type dryer.
- Around 20-30 kg of red chillies can be dried in 3 to 4 sunny days.
- This design is commercially available at a cost of around Rs. 5500/- from M/s Vishwa Karma Solar Energy Corporation (Regd.), Phillaur - 144 410, Punjab.
Other manufacturers of solar driers:
- ATR SOLAR (INDIA), 380, Kamarajar I street Bibikulam MADURAI - 625 002, TAMIL NADU Tel: 0452 - 4353673, 3256595 Email: atrsolar@gmail.com, theri@atrsolar.com (chilies, vegetables, fish and herb driers)
- PRINCE India, Jankibai Trust, Shamgiri, Agra Road, Deopur, DHULE - 424 005, Maharashtra. Tel: 02562 - 271795 Email: contact@princeindia.org (vegetable/fruit drying, making powders of moringa leaves, tomato and potato powders, green chilly powders ...etc)
Note: Please note that we don't endorse any vendor.
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